Meet Sustaira: Luke!

Here at Sustaira we get to know all of our employees very well and we want you to know them too! For every new team member, we ask them the following questions to learn about who they are and why sustainability matters to them. Today, we introduce Luke Bashford. Read Luke’s interview below and enjoy!


Luke’s Interview:

What made you decide to join the Sustaira team?

I joined the Sustaira team because I was looking for something to do with my skills that was more meaningful long term. I always had a passion for sustainability and gain the most joy from doing something I can be proud of.

What is your role at Sustaira?

At Sustaira I am a senior developer and an innovator. It is my responsibility to work with the other talented developers to come up with modern solutions that enable people to better care for our finite planet.

What does sustainability mean to you?
Sustainability means mindfulness to me. I truly believe that if everyone had a stronger sense of mindfulness around how and why we should care for our planet, the negative impacts of us living here would be minimized enough to allow the planet to thrive.

Where do you believe technology meets sustainability in your vision?

Technology is instant! We live in a world of instant gratification where any one person should be able to view and benefit from the actions of another. Sustainability fits in here because we can globally change the mindset around taking care of our planet and its’ inhabitants, even if it involves instant information to do so. Imagine getting a live update that your actions over the past month have helped reduce the amount of waste in the oceans across the globe… pretty cool, right?!

Tell us a little bit about you! Just a couple fun facts or something people may not know. What do you believe people need to know about Luke Bashford?

I live with my girlfriend Julia and we have two dogs and a cat named Bhaji, Whiskey and Beeb, respectively. I also collect vintage furniture from the 50s and 60s because I love that it was built to last! I go rock climbing with my dad every week and never pass up an opportunity to try something new. ‘Seek Discomfort’ is a community and mindset that resonates well with me, check it out!


What does Sustainability mean to Sustaira?


Meet Sustaira: Bill!