Download the Sustaira Low-Code Software Evaluation Criteria
To enable an informed decision on which low-code platform to adopt, Sustaira breaks down the common Evaluation Criteria that are typically considered. These criteria are adapted from leading analyst firms such as Forrester and Gartner, customers’ experiences, and a network of low-code specialists. The evaluation criteria are segmented into three main groups that consist of various subcategories:
Functional Criteria and Capabilities
Technical Criteria and Capabilities
Organizational Criteria and Capabilities
Download the Evaluation Criteria Framework for Low-Code Software Now!
This framework is an easy-to-use checklist that organizations can reference as they do comparisons. This gives you a space to walk through all of the low-code Evaluation Criteria that Sustaira has aggregated for organizations to consider when looking for a sustainability and ESG solution. Compare multiple vendors and find the best fit for you!
Download Sustaira’s Low-Code Evaluation Guide Now!
This in-depth overview gives you a comprehensive evaluation guide of Sustaira’s capabilities based on the Low-Code software evaluation criteria framework. This version includes guiding questions to ask as well as how Sustaira addresses each criterion.