Meet Sustaira: Rosa!

Here at Sustaira we get to know all of our employees very well and we want you to know them too! For every new team member, we ask them the following questions to learn about who they are and why sustainability matters to them. Today, we introduce Rosa Hegi. Read Rosa’s interview below and enjoy!

Rosa’s Interview:

Where is home for you?: 

I live in Leiden, which is a small city in between Amsterdam and Rotterdam and looks a bit like Amsterdam.

What made you decide to join the Sustaira team?

That is a combination of doing something back for the world and working with an awesome team towards the same goal. During my career I switched from bio science to development and with that I missed the feeling of having a responsibility for society. Working at Sustaira gives that feeling back. I love to work in development and I have the feeling that  I am helping out towards a better world. 

What is your role at Sustaira?
I am going to be a senior consultant. I will help the other developers with their career path and work together with them for our customers.

What are you most excited about in your new role? 

Being part of a team and working together towards a goal and learning a lot of new cool stuff!

What does sustainability mean to you?

Most of all, being aware of the steps you can take yourself to make your life more sustainable. Of Course I cannot do everything on my own but as long as I make sustainable decisions with the products I use and the food I eat I’m hoping for a world with a brighter future than how it is envisioned now.

Where do you believe technology meets sustainability in your vision?

In the world we live in right now sustainability and technology need each other in order to make a difference. Everything we do on a regular day has something to do with technology. The easiest way to help out with sustainability is with technology and digital transformation. 

Tell us a little bit about you! Just a couple fun facts or something people may not know. What do you believe people need to know about Rosa?

I like to spend my free time in nature. Whenever I need some time for myself I will go to the beach and walk there. When I was younger my dad took me to the beach. Back then there was not as much plastic on the beach as now unfortunately so if i am at the beach right now I also take a garbage bag with me and clean up the beach. Which I can recommend to everyone because it gives a satisfying feeling!


Meet Sustaira: Diogo!


The Sustaira Sustainability & ESG Software Platform sets a strong foundation for rapid growth in 2023