Webinar Series | Sustainability Reporting Unveiled: CSRD, CSDDD, and More

In the ever-evolving landscape of sustainability, staying ahead of the curve is not just a necessity; it’s a strategic imperative. That’s why we’re thrilled to announce our upcoming webinar series, “Sustainability Reporting Unveiled: CSRD, CSDDD, and More,” designed to equip sustainability leaders with the knowledge and tools to navigate the complexities of sustainability reporting and regulatory frameworks.

Rory O’Sullivan, our sustainability lead, will guide you through the difficult landscape of sustainability regulations and reporting, how to succeed and how to limit risk. Rory has previously worked with global companies on their sustainability strategy and reporting prior to joining Sustaira to help our customers do the same.

1. Navigating CSRD: A Comprehensive Guide for Sustainability Leaders Date & Time: September 5th, 09:00 EST

Dive deep into the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and its profound impact on companies, society, and investors. This session will illuminate the path to understanding material sustainability impacts such as carbon emissions, water usage, and supply chain risks. Learn how to conduct a robust Double Materiality Assessment (DMA) and discover the common pitfalls and opportunities that come with CSRD reporting. Plus, we’ll explore how digital solutions can streamline and enforce your reporting process.

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2. CSDDD Demystified: Due Diligence for Sustainability Leaders Date & Time: September 19th, 09:00 EST

Unravel the intricacies of the European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and its interplay with CSRD. This webinar will guide you through risk-based due diligence, emphasizing the prioritization of sustainability impacts and why managing sustainability risk is crucial. We’ll provide practical steps aligned with global standards, such as the UN Guiding Principles, and discuss the importance of supply chain engagement. Lastly looking at with the synergies between due diligence and reporting.

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3. Understanding CBAM: Carbon Pricing and Supply Chain Implications Date & Time: September 26th, 09:00 EST

Get to grips with the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and its implications for global carbon and import markets. This session will break down the who, what, where, why, and how of CBAM, offering a step-by-step guide to navigating this complex mechanism. We’ll highlight two key risk areas for your organization — supplier engagement and understanding the potential impact—and arm you with strategies to prepare for CBAM-related compliance and reporting.

Sign up here

Join us for this enlightening series and take the first step towards transforming your organization’s sustainability reporting. Whether you’re looking to position your company as a sustainability leader or ensure continued access to international markets, these webinars are an invaluable resource. Register now and be part of the conversation that shapes the future of sustainability reporting.


Navigating the CSRD: A Comprehensive Guide for Sustainability Leaders 


Meet Sustaira: Maria