Meet Sustaira: Maria

Here at Sustaira, we get to know all of our employees very well and we want you to know them too! For every new team member, we ask them the following questions to learn about who they are and why sustainability matters to them. Today, we introduce Maria Silva. Read Maria’s interview below and enjoy!

Maria’s Interview:

Where is home for you?:  

I’m originally from Brazil and currently live in the UK!

What made you decide to join the Sustaira team?
I joined Sustaira because I believe in the power of making significant changes through innovative solutions. Sustaira's approach to sustainability aligns perfectly with my vision of addressing the challenges our world faces today. It's the ideal place for someone with my goals and values.

What is your role at Sustaira? 

At Sustaira, my role focuses on business development. I aim to help companies become more sustainable and impactful. My goal is to empower organizations with innovative solutions that drive growth and contribute positively to our planet.

What does sustainability mean to you?

Growing up in Curitiba, Brazil, I was immersed in a culture that prioritized sustainability and recycling. To me, sustainability means creating a better future and contributing positively to our global community. It's about making a lasting difference.

Where do you believe technology meets sustainability in your vision?

I believe technology plays a crucial role in advancing sustainability. The Fourth Industrial Revolution offers innovative solutions that can accelerate our efforts. By leveraging smart technologies, we can build a better future for all.

Tell us a little bit about you! Just a couple of fun facts or something people may not know. What do you believe people need to know about you?

I'm passionate about coffee and cooking. I love classic Brazilian literature and enjoy playing my Stratocaster guitar in my free time.


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