Meet the Voice of Sustaira: Caitlin Sloan

Here at Sustaira we get to know all of our employees and partners very well and we want you to know them too! For every new addition, we ask them the following questions to learn about who they are and why sustainability matters to them. Today, we introduce Caitlin Sloan who is the official voice of Sustaira. You may have heard her in our commercial that you can watch here. Read Caitlin’s interview below and enjoy!

Caitlin’s Interview:

Where are you located? 

I am currently based in the UK in London, however I am originally from New Jersey.
After highschool, I moved to London to go to Drama school and ended up meeting my partner here and have been here since.

A little bit about your work history. What got you interested in Voice overs? 

Voice over work is now my full time job, but it wasn't always that way. I have always been interested in theater and acting growing up. After attending Drama school in London for three years I wanted to do something in the industry but wasn't sure what. For a while I’d been working retail type jobs and then when the pandemic hit I found myself at home a lot more than usual.

My partner actually encouraged me to try out voice work many times, as he is already in the industry. He does voice work for video games and audio books, and he kept encouraging me to get into it too. I honestly thought because I don’t really do silly voices and accents, that it wasn't a good fit. After some convincing I decided to put myself out there on a few free platforms.

When I tell you It went from 0-100, I really mean it went to 100 within about 3 months! I am so grateful it did, because I really enjoy this kind of work. I feel very lucky that I get to read other people's stories for a living.  Today, I will do a variety of work like corporate training, shorter promotions and shorter audio books. Even introduction videos like Sustaira. While it was short and sweet, it was still telling the story and what Sustaira stands for. It’s fulfilling to me to see how different companies and brands want to do things I love that I get to be part of that.

What made you decide to record for Sustaira?

Sustaira came up on my job feed and the script was very well written, clear, concise and succinct. I really liked that the script was to the point while still being informational and it captured the feeling of Sustaira well. Plus, who doesn’t like sustainability? Sustainability is something everyone can get behind and I was happy to do something for a good cause. 

What does sustainability mean to you or how would you define it?
I think that sustainability for me has taken a turn from being something that you really have to make hard changes to your life for or a complete overhaul to achieve, into something much more simple. If you just look at some of your day to day activities and habits, there is a way to work sustainability into that for more longevity of the planet, and even more longevity for the items you use throughout your life. 

I really think it's not the type of thing where you have to have a farm and grow your own vegetables or have your own compost bin - you absolutely can, that's wonderful - but you can make small adjustments everyday that can make major impacts. If you value the planet and your money and the investment you put into things, sustainability just makes sense. If you look at it from that perspective, making sustainable choices is good for your wallet too. 

Sustaira is a tech company that’s focused on sustainability. Hearing this, Where do you believe technology meets sustainability? Is this something you've ever thought about? 

My initial reaction when I think about Sustainability and technology  is to think that we should have phones that work longer than 3 years at a time. The resources and manpower to create all these tiny machines is immense based on how we can use them… But I had a realization a few months ago. I realized that actually consuming electricity has an impact on the planet and nature and I can’t believe that escaped me for so long. We've been using electricity for so long as a species, I guess I assumed that surely it doesn't have that much of an impact. Now that I realize that these things do have an impact, it’s like oh wow - how do we mitigate that?

Technology can be the issue, but it ultimately is going to be the solution too. I think to a degree we need to take a step back and just evaluate what we are doing all around and make the appropriate changes to be better.

What else do you do professionally or in your free time? 

I really love cooking and baking. My very first recipe was Hershey's perfect chocolate cake and I love trying new things and think food science is really cool. Not that I'm good at it... Ask my partner about that - ha! 

My cooking is very trial and error and I just have fun. I’ve also recently experimented with more plant based meals. I used to be vegetarian and then needed to expand my diet for health reasons and have since tried to be conscious and as plant based as I can since we have so many more options now-a-days than when I first became a vegetarian in high school.

Tell us a little bit about you! Just a couple fun facts or something people may not know. What do you believe people need to know about Caitlin ?

I'm afraid I might be a boring person! The thing I always use for questions like this is that I have broken 4 bones that I know of. I know this doesn't sound like a lot but many people seem to think it's quite a few!


Meet Sustaira: Richard!


Sustaira’s First Year.