Sustainability and ESG News
WBCSD and Shift Releases a Primer for Advancing the “S” in ESG For CFOs.
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Shift just recently released a primer for CFOs on advancing the “S” in ESG. With social issues becoming a higher priority on the business agenda, it is important for CFOs to begin to understand and communicate social performance as an essential part of their roles. This is immensely important as reporting and disclosure standards around ESG develop across the globe.
Less than 1% of companies have credible climate transition plans according to CDP.
Of the 18,600 companies which provided information to CDP, less than one in 200 companies disclosed information against 21 key indicators that CDP includes in a questionnaire which represents a credible climate transition plan. This means of 18,600 only 81 companies - a mere 0.4% - were able to disclosure against key indicators and prove that their climate transition plans are credible. While the number of organizations reporting to CDP has been rising rapidly, increasing by more than 40% in 2022, this 81 organizations is actually a decrease from the 153 companies that provided a credible climate plan the year before.
Norway’s Sovereign Wealth Fund warns Directors to Tackle Climate Change or be Voted out.
Norway’s $1.3 trillion sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest investor, has warned company directors to take more specific climate on climate change or risk being voted out. The head of governance and compliance of Norges Bank Investment Management, Carine Smith Ihenacho, said that the fund was getting ready to vote against 80 company boards due to their failure to set or hit environmental or social targets.
"We have for a long time focused on better company disclosure... Now we are focusing more on actions. So now you need to go from numbers to action, concrete steps that companies are taking to meet the expectations," - Carine Smith Ihenacho