Sustainability and ESG News
2023 was the Hottest Year on Record
2023 set record-breaking temperatures as the hottest year in history. This broke records as 2022 was one of the hottest years in history. This poses severe worry as we advance further in the climate crisis.
The United Nation’s 2023 Emission Report Sheds Concerning Insight on our Progress Toward Net Zero Goals
On November 20th, the United Nations released its 2023 Emissions Gap Report with an eye-catching headline, “Broken Record; Temperatures hit new highs, yet world fails to cut emissions (again)”. This report is the 14th annual edition in a series written by the world’s top climate scientists to look at future trends in global warming.
Breaking Climate Records Raises Concerns for Scientists
This summer, across the globe we have seen record-breaking temperatures that are leaving scientists concerned, many saying that these climate records are unprecedented given their speed and timing. Records broken include the hottest day on record globally in June and July, extreme marine heatwaves in the North Atlantic, highest Ocean temperatures, and record low Antarctic sea ice.
How Climate Change, Supply Chain Strain, and COVID-19 may Impact our Food
A new insight from McKinsey warns that a food shortage could be coming sooner than later. Many people have heard the rumors or worries regarding possible food shortages and have even felt the impacts of rising prices. As it turns out, due to the War in Ukraine, supply chain issues that are leftover from COVID-19, and climate events such as heat waves and droughts, this could leave the world about 60 million tonnes of grain behind by the end of 2023.
A new Deloitte Report Outlines the cost of Climate Inaction
A new Deloitte Report Outlines the cost of Climate Inaction
The Environmental coin toss: There’s a 50:50 Chance we will pass the 1.5C Warming Threshold
The Environmental coin toss: There’s a 50:50 Chance we will pass the 1.5C Warming Threshold